
Faculty of Economics

Understanding the workings of society through the study of economics

The faculty of Economics aims to assist students to be able understand current economic issues and precisely how the economic system operates. Economic activity is continually affected by the complex interconnection and interaction of production distribution and consumption. Studying economics from a variety of perspectives allows an individual to gain a clear understanding of working models that may be re-applied as an incomparably powerful tool for understanding society. The curriculum of the Faculty of Economics uses a framework based on the theory, history and policy of economics.

The courses include Global Economy, Business and Management studies, accounting, and Economic Policy and a large range of specialized classes to cater to the needs and requirements of individual students. In addition, Students are enrolled in seminars that extend throughout their entire four years at the university. Seminars are taught by members of staff who are actively engaged in research in a variety of fields, consequently a diverse range of themes are covered in these classes.

Needless to say, the Faculty of Economics is committed to meeting the challenges associated with the trend towards globalization and the IT revolution. Outstanding educators with varied research backgrounds and representing well-known universities throughout the world are invited to lecture at the Faculty of Economics. In addition, students receive training in computers that extends from basic skills to applied techniques related to economics.

Department of Economics

Global Economy Course
Students can choose among various classes related to “Global Economy", as well as International Economy, Business management, International Trade.
Policy and Management Course
The course is designed for those who wish to be public officials, NPO staff and school teachers. Students develop thinking ability through analyzing various social problems.
Monetary Economy Course
This course offers various classes of financial system and policies for those who aim to be financial and insurance industry.
Regional Economy Course
Students develop administrative ability and knowledge to become entrepreneurs and/or highly qualified company, and to contribute to development of a local community.

Faculty of Business Administration

To be a business leader with vision for the future and creativity.

The study at Faculty of Business Administration aims to assist students to equip with necessary knowledge and skills required for active business people in the 21st Century. All courses offered at the Faculty are designed to cultivate a capacity for diverse specialists in terms of business management strategy, HR management, marketing, successor or entrepreneur and qualified accountant or tax accountant, as students’ career paths in the future.

Students are encouraged to develop a broad range of skills, focusing on 1) professional knowledge and versatile perspectives on Economics, 2) practical problem-solving approaches, 3) an autonomous attitude and communication techniques, and 4) adaptability and creativity.

Studying at this Faculty involves: (1) theoretical and practical learning approaches, (2) a variety of activities in a small-size class, (3) active learning for effective problem-solving methods, (4) career development, including a compulsory internship experience, (5) subject selection to deepen the understanding of relevant business laws.

Department of Business Administration

Accounting and Finance Course
This course offers various classes of accounting and finance for those who aim to be CPAs, tax accountants and bank clerks.
Organisation / Human Resources Management Course
At this course students take various classes of management of organisation and Human Resources (HRM) to develop the understanding of organisation and administration of human resources, including psychological strategies.
Planning Marketing Course
This course provides you with grounding in the marketing theories, concepts and working tools that are essential for operating in a modern business environment.
Business management Course
Students develop administrative ability and knowledge to become entrepreneurs and/or highly qualified company and to contribute to development of a local society.

Faculty of Law

Faculty of Law
Systematic educational approaches to understanding
the workings of the law

The faculty of Law at Osaka University of Economics and Law aims to nurture individuals capable of playing leadership roles in a society governed by law and in which each person's individuality is respected. The courses cover Legal Profession, Public Policy, Business Law, and International Relations and large range of specialized classes to cater to the needs and requirements of individual students.

Education in the law forms the foundation of this process, the fostering of autonomous individuals with a respect for the rights and interests of others, which is to say, thoughtful citizens. At the same time, we strive to meet the practical education requirements of each student with respect to his or her future career and employment goals.
The Faculty of Law is a place where students can learn about how the law functions in contemporary society in a practical sense, while also cultivating multifaceted understanding of the law's role in political and economic phenomena. In order to provide instruction in a broad range of areas, faculty are recruited from legal, government administration, and political fields. Professors with previous experience as judges, public prosecutors, attorneys, government functionaries, or media professionals bring to their lectures elements that cannot be found elsewhere. There are also public lecture delivered by currently serving corporate executives as part of new experiment in collaboration between industry, government, and academe.

Seminars also occupy an important place in the curriculum. Seminars on a variety of themes are presented by faculty with expertise in a wide range of research fields. The small class sizes provide an opportunity for in-depth discussions on such topics as the law and political science between students and faculty as well as among students.

Legal Professionals Course
This course is designed for those who aim to be legal professionals.
Students develop both the knowledge and critical thinking they need to be legal professionals and prepares them for the bar examinations.
Public Officials Course
This course offers a series of classes for those who wish to be government (local) officials, police officers, fire officers.
Contemporary Society & Career Course
This course is designed for those who wish to take a leading role in contemporary society including entrepreneurs in competitive companies.
Students develop knowledge and ability related to Business Administration as well as Business Law.
International Relations Course
This course gives students a great starting point for a career in research, journalism, social policy. Students develop language ability and also knowledge of how to unravel the complex and often invisible problems in the International Society.

Faculty of International Studies

An English ability that can be used anywhere in the world; an openness and sensitivity to foreign cultures; excellent communication skills

The Faculty of International Studies at the Osaka University of Economics and Law is committed to cultivating resilient people with the skills to thrive both in international business and civic society.

If we look at the political events and economic developments that feature in the news, as well as sports, the arts, the Internet, tourism and so on, we can see that our connections with the rest of the world, and with the people who live there, have now become an important part of our everyday lives.

This is why our Faculty of International Studies encourages the development of people who have the necessary international communication skills to succeed in the future. This means experiencing the world at first hand for four years and developing sensitivity, knowledge and skills in regard to foreign cultures, along with English skills that can be used around the world. But it also means becoming someone who can communicate sincerely with friends having a different country, culture and history. Students will also cultivate the skills that allow entry to a globally-orientated job, permitting them to thrive in an internationally-minded society.

We hope that you will meet a wide variety of people while learning about the world. You will also encounter a new world and a new sense of self. This extremely valuable experience will open up your ambitions and future. We believe that you are the person who will be needed in tomorrow’s world.

The International Communication Course
Students will acquire sensitivity to foreign cultures and a wide knowledge of international matters. This will allow them to use their practical English skills and get involved with solving various problems, working alongside people from countries and regions with different languages and cultures. Three different course models have been established, all of which involve acquiring advanced communication skills and an understanding of different cultures. They will allow the realization of the ambitions of those who, after four years, wish to give a warm reception to those who visit Japan from abroad; those who wish to build connections with non-Japanese residents of Japan and give support to them; and those who wish to forge links with people from different countries and cultures.
The International Interchange / Public Service Model
The Tourism and Hospitality Model
The English Professional Model
The Global Career Course
Students will acquire not only a knowledge of economics, management, and business law, but also a wider and more general education regarding international matters. They will become well versed in world developments, international relations, and inter-cultural understanding. Students will apply this knowledge to solve a wide variety of problems, contributing to the global development of business, both in Japan and abroad. This course model has been established to give the necessary skills and knowledge to those who wish to play an active part on the global stage; those who are interested in foreign countries; and those who wish to tackle problem-solving on a world scale.
The Private Enterprise / Intenational Business Management Model
The International Commerce Model
The International Cooperation Model

Graduate School of Economics

The Graduate school is divided into two departments: the Department of Economics and the Department of Business Administration.
Our goal is to cultivate future high-level professionals with a knowledge of economics, management and strategies to find solutions to the issues confronting today’s businesses, local communities.

As of April 2017, the Osaka University of Economics and Law Graduate School of Economics has started a new Master’s program in Business Administration.
The school is committed to fostering professionals with highly specialized knowledge of economics, management and practical applied skills. This program is designed for those who would like to pursue careers as core staff at firms or companies and other private / public sectors.

Expected Career
Department of Economics (Master’s Degree)
Highly Skilled Professionals with;
?Theoretical, demonstrative, and historical methodology to analyze economic phenomena
?Highly specialized knowledge of Economics
?Abilities to propose a solution for economic issues in the modern society
Department of Business Administration (Master’s Degree)
Highly Skilled Professionals with;
?Theoretical, demonstrative, and historical methodology to analyze economic phenomena
?Highly specialized knowledge of Business Administration
?Abilities to propose a solution for business issues in the modern society
Expected Careers
Department of Economics (Master’s Degree)
Professionals of Research and Development, Planning in private enterprises.
Private Institutes
Policy planners of public organizations, institutions and NPOs
Department of Business Administration (Master’s Degree)
Core staff, high-ranked Managers of private sectors
Specialists of Business information and Strategies
Core staff of financial and accounting
Professional accountants
Three models to achieve goals in two-year systematic research
Department of Economics (Master’s Degree)
1. Professionals in charge of strategical business in private sector
To learn knowledge of international banking system and international economy, and network of production and strategy planning for private companies.
2. Policy planners of Private institutions, Public sectors, NPOs
To learn financial policy, local economic situation, planning methods and effect of economic policy as well as international economy
3. CEO
To learn Economic development in newly emerging countries in Asia, and economic policy for small and medium sized enterprises and employment issues.
Department of Business Administration (Master’s Degree)
1. Business Manager / leader
To learn theory and knowledge of business administration and other related fields, particularly for business managers and leaders.
2. Professionals of management information
To learn theory and knowledge of business administration and other related fields, particularly for Professionals of management information.
3. Professional accountants
To learn theory and knowledge of accounting and other related fields, particularly for Professional accountants.
Active Learning
Active learnings; such as fieldwork, lectures and discussions of/with business managers or leaders, staff of NPOs, are conducted
Two or more supervisors system
Students are supervised by specialists in each field, and can earn multilateral viewpoints. Practical knowledge and ability is another key word. The two-or-more supervisors will help you to acquire the knowledge and the ability.
“Research Basics Courses”, “Specialized Courses”, “Related Courses”, and “Research Guidance Courses” are set up.
1. Research Basics courses
Department of Economics (Master’s Degree)
To master basic theories and research methods of Economics
To master theories and methods of research of Economics
Department of Business Administration (Master’s Degree)
To master basic theories and research methods of “Business Administration”, “Business Information”, and “Accounting”.
To master theories and methods of research of Business Administration research”
2. Specialized courses
Department of Economics (Master’s Degree)
Economic theory subjects are designed to foster knowledge and abilities to analyze Socio-economic changes, and to make proper decision for companies or public administrative units.
Economic theory courses
Special Lecture on Microeconomics I
Special Lecture on Microeconomics II
Special Lecture on Macroeconomics I
Special Lecture on Macroeconomics II
Special Lecture on Economic History
Special Lecture on Economic Statistics
Special Lecture on Econometrics I
Special Lecture on EconometricsII
Special Lecture on EconometricsIII
Applied Economics courses
International Economic related courses
Special Lecture on International Economics
Special Lecture on Comparative Economic Systems
Special Lecture on Asian Economies
Special Lecture on Economic Policy
Special Lecture on Monetary Theory
Special Lecture on Environmental Economics
Research in Foreign Literature
Regional Economies-related courses
Special Lecture on Regional Economy
Special Lecture on Regional Industries
Special Lecture on Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
Special Lecture on Labor Economics
Special Lecture on Public Finance
Special Lecture on Local Public Finance
Special Lecture on Industrial Organization
Department of Business Administration (Master’s Degree)
The subjects below are designed to foster theoretical, demonstrative, and historical methodology and highly special knowledge of business administration. The subjects are divided into three fields: 「Business Administration」「Management Information」 and 「Accounting」
Business Administration field
Special Lectures on Business Administration Ⅰ
Special Lectures on Business Administration Ⅱ
Special Lectures on Organization Theory
Special Lectures on Strategic Management
Special Lectures on Human Resource Management
Special Lectures on Global Business Administration
Special Lectures on Firm
Special Lectures on Marketing
Management Information field
Special Lectures on Management Information SystemsⅠ
Special Lectures on Management Information SystemsⅡ
Special Lectures on Information Management
Special Lectures on Information Processing
Special Lectures on Management Science
Special Lectures on Marketing Research
Special Lectures on Business Statistics
Accounting Field
Special Lectures on Financial AccountingⅡ
Special Lectures on Management Accounting
Special Lectures on Tax Accounting
Special Lectures on Corporate Finance
Special Lectures on Business Analysis
Special Lectures on Financial AccountingⅠ
3. Related Courses
Department of Economics (Master’s Degree)
The following subjects are designed to understand current situation on international politics and economy.
Special Lectures on Civil Law
Special Lectures on International Politics
Department of Business Administration (Master’s Degree)
The following subjects are designed to learn business law and to improve English proficiency.
Academic reading in foreign languages
Special lecture on Business Law
4. Research Guidance Courses
Department of Economics (Master’s Degree)
The following subjects are designed for completing Master’s thesis.
Research Guidance Ⅰ
Research Guidance Ⅱ
Graduation Requirements
Students must acquire a total of at least 30 credits consisting of 20 credits for lecture courses (8 courses), including 「Microeconomics Ⅰ」,「Microeconomics Ⅱ」,「“Macroeconomics Ⅰ」,「Macroeconomics Ⅱ」,「EconometricsⅠ」,「EconometricsⅡ」,「Research Guidance Ⅰ」,「Research Guidance Ⅱ」.
To obtain a master’s degree, it is necessary to submit a master’s thesis, pass thesis review and the final examination.
Students may take courses that belong to department of Business Administration in the university if the academic advisor considers it necessary and the credits acquired may be recognized as credits required for the completion of the students’ program.
Department of Business Administration (Master’s Degree)
The following subjects are designed for completing Master’s thesis.
Research Guidance Ⅰ
Research Guidance Ⅱ
Graduation Requirements
Students have to study for more than 2 years in the master’s program and acquire a total of at least 30 credits consisting of 4 credits for 2 lecture courses, including 「Special Lectures on Business AdministrationⅠ」,「Special Lectures on Business AdministrationⅡ」, 8 credits from 4 lecture courses in Specialized courses (excluding 「Special Lectures on Business AdministrationⅠ」, 「Special Lectures on Business AdministrationⅡ」) and 8 credits from 2 lecture courses from 「Research GuidanceⅠ」「Research Guidance Ⅱ」
To obtain a master’s degree, it is necessary to submit a master’s thesis, pass thesis review and the final examination.

Students may take courses that belong to department of Economics in the university if the academic advisor considers it necessary and the credits acquired may be recognized as credits required for the completion of the students’ program, to an extent not exceeding 4 credits.


Asian Research Institute

Society and Culture in Asian Countries,including political science,law, economics,sociology.history and culture. Since its foundation in December1987,Asian research institute has pursued the activities as below with some 100 researchers in Japan and overseas.

  • Organization of International joint Research
  • Hosting International Symposium
  • Arranging regular meetings and
    Special lectures addressing specific research themes
  • Conducting open lecture for people from the community
  • Developing a collection books and materials pertaining to issues in Asia
  • Publications
    • 'East Asian Review' (English)
    • 'Asian Forum' (Japanese)
    • Asian Research Institute Series (Japanese)
    • In-house materials Asian Research Institute News (Japanese)

Center for Asia Pacific Partnership

In consideration of the Asian Research Institute's activities and the outcomes from international exchanges, in April 2003, Osaka University of Economics and Law opened the Center for Asia Pacific Partnership in Tokyo to further enhance the university's contributions to society though educational and research activities. The Center for Asia Pacific Partnerships is based on the same principles as the Asian Research Institute and undertakes the following activities.

  • International academic symposium
  • Open class "Citizen Academia"
    • Basic theme: "Human Rights and Human Security"
    • Four courses: (1) Human Rights, (2) Peace Theory (Human Security)
    • Four courses: (3) NGO Theory and (4) Diaspora
  • Regular research meetings and
    Special Lectures addressing specific research themes
    • (1)Human rights theory
    • (2)Minority
    • (3)Diaspora
    • ?Publication of annual academic reports

Institute for 21st Century Studies

The 21st Century Research Institute (CRI), established in April 2008, adheres to the mission of OUEL. The CRI is engaged in interdisciplinary research projects in a broad spectrum of fields to accomplish the OUEL's mission. To this end, the CRI encourages scholars to contribute to the advancement of all good knowledge and culture through academic research.

Regional Research Institute

The Regional Research Institute (RRI) was established in April 2008, for the purpose of promoting “study of the region ? Kawachi (A former geographical name of Yao and Higashi Osaka city). The RRI is engaged in research projects in a broad spectrum of fields of the region, ranging from history, culture, economy and environment. The RRI was born as an “opened institute", setting up a framework whereby a diverse range of people, including scholars and researchers could accomplish the goals outlined.

